カイワレの大冒険 Third


constants manager was released!!

Now on release constants manager!!.

This library helps you to manage constants for python. It recommends to see README.md to use. The features are below.

  • use different constants with environments variables.
  • return default constants if there were not set or not existed key
  • do not require environments variables if you want to use default constants
  • use original environments variables

Especially, this help you of managing constants if you created some web application like when you want to use diffrerent that(ex: dev, stg, prd).

The backgorund which this tools created was that there were no tools which is convenience for control constants. Even is there, it required the environments variables anytime, so this is a reason why I created this library.

If you encountered any bugs or needed any requests, tell me that.I would appreciate it.